This video shows you how it's possible to require a password before the content of a page or post is visible in WordPress.
Note that password-protecting a page does NOT password-protect any files, including PDFs, that reside as links on that page. You MUST password protect the PDF directly or use a membership system that can protect file access by making them accessible to members only. Contact us at or submit a support ticket for help and details.
In this article, we're going to show you how to password protect a post or a page.
- Log in to your website.
- Create or edit a page or post.
- On the right-hand side, change the Visibility by clicking on Edit.
- Select "Password protected" and enter in any password.
- Click Okay.
- Click Publish.
When you view the page, it'll show that this is a protected page and that you have to enter in a password. Once the password is entered in, it'll take us to the content. Remember, your password-protected pages will keep secure ONLY the text in the content editor of the page and will not protect any media stored in your Media Library.
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